The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) started in May 2018. It has a profound impact on businesses and organisations worldwide. A lot of (mis)information has been published. Some embrace it but the majority ignores it.
Yes, it is our EU-citizens right to know what information is gathered, where and how it is used and we have right to be forgotten. The GDPR is a list of 99 articles in 11 chapters. OK, It's a long document but written in such a way that everyone can read it. Straight forward. Implementing it is a different matter. You need to be an expert....
They are obliged to comply. By Law. And not only EU companies. Other companies or organisations around the world that interacts with EU-citizens also have to comply. This is why the GDPR has a global impact. 550 miljon EU-citizens have their rights.
A much heard remark. Management initiates a GDPR project. An external consultant comes in. Does some interviews, creates a report, gives recommendations and leaves. Done.
We are GDPR compliant now....
Did it ever land in your organisation? Do your colleagues understand the impact of the GDPR on their work? Have you instructed your colleagues? What happens in 6 month time? Do you have to do the whole exercise again?
GDPR needs to become part of the DNA of the organisation. The privacy of your customers or clients should be on everybodies mind. GDPR is not an excuse of doing nothing!
It is the healthy compromise between individual rights and the way forward for organisations. A living approach that doesn't restrict but involves colleagues and customers.
JENDIKI is the name of our GDPR platform. The quick and easy online tool to become GDPR compliant and that supports your colleagues to stay compliant. In the cloud. Accessible by laptop, tablet and smartphone anywhere in the world. In multiple languages. Suitable for small, medium and large size companies.
Garanteed to help you and your colleagues to work together. To deliver information about the privacy of your customers and clients as part of an ongoing process.